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Bot and REST API Setup

1. Introduction


This guide dives into the backend architecture of the MedSync WebApp.

We will explore the key features of each service and how they interact with each other.


  • Before diving into the intricacies of each service, ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose set up on your machine. If not, refer to the Dependencies Initialization section and the Docker section to get up to speed.

  • ❗️❗️ Familiarity with Python is crucial.

2. Service Overview

1. Telegram Bot Service

  • Location: ./backend/src/medsyncapp/tgbot
  • Entry Point: backend/src/medsyncapp/tgbot/bot.py
  • Key Libraries:

    • aiogram: For crafting Telegram bot functionalities.
    • environs: Environment variable parsing from .env files.
    • redis: Used as temporary storage for the bot's FSM(1), ensuring data isn't lost during restarts.

      1. FSM: Finite State Machine
    • betterlogging: Enhanced logging capabilities(1)

      1. You can use the standard logging library instead if you prefer
    • aiogram-dialog: A framework that facilitates crafting interactive messages and menus for Telegram bots, mirroring the feel of a standard GUI application.

2. Webhook Service (REST API)

  • Location: ./backend/src/medsyncapp/webhook
  • Key Libraries:
    • uvicorn: ASGI server for running FastAPI applications.
    • fastapi: Building efficient APIs.
    • sqlalchemy: ORM for database interactions.
    • asyncpg: Asynchronous PostgreSQL interaction.
    • python-dateutil: Date and time utilities.

3. PostgreSQL Database Service

  • Location: Automatically managed by Docker.
  • Details: This service manages our primary database storage. Our data models and ORM are crafted using SQLAlchemy.
    • Models & Repositories: ./backend/src/medsyncapp/infrastructure/database
    • Migrations: Handled using Alembic, located at ./backend/src/medsyncapp/migrations.

4. Redis Service

  • Location: Automatically managed by Docker.
  • Details: Redis is employed as a transient storage for the bot. It stores user states, ensuring that if the bot restarts, user interactions are not interrupted.

Orchestration with Docker

All services are defined and orchestrated using Docker Compose.

The configuration for this setup is located in the docker-compose.yml file in the root directory. This setup ensures that each service is isolated yet interconnected via Docker networking and volumes.

3. Telegram Bot Service

1. Introduction


The Telegram bot serves as one of the main interaction points between the users and the MedSync WebApp. Built using Aiogram v3, the bot provides intuitive functionalities and a user-friendly interface.

Using the Template

For developers looking to build similar Telegram bots, a template is available. This template provides a structured project layout for a bot.

2. Diving into the Bot

Entry Point: bot.py


See full code in bot.py

The bot.py file is where the magic begins:

  • Initialization: Here, core components like the bot, dispatcher, storage, SQLAlchemy engine, and session pool are initialized.

  • Configuration: All necessary configurations, including registering routers(1), are set up here.

    1. Routers, similar to FastAPI routers, determine how incoming bot messages are handled.
  • Middlewares: Middlewares such as the database middleware are set up to pass database sessions to each handler automatically and to register users in the database.

  • Polling: The dispatcher starts polling to receive updates from Telegram.

Structuring the Bot: Routers and Handlers

The bot's handlers are organized using routers. Routers are stored in ...tgbot/handlers, with each module usually initializing a new router.

Start Handlers

When a user interacts with the bot using the /start command, a welcoming message along with the main menu options is presented. Here's a glimpse into the code:

from aiogram import types, Router
from aiogram.filters import CommandStart

from tgbot.config import Config
from tgbot.keyboards.inline import main_menu

start_router = Router()

async def send_webapp(message: types.Message, config: Config):
    await message.answer(
        "Welcome to MedSync App!\n\n"
        "You can use our Web App to book an appointment with a doctor, or get tested in one of our clinics.",
from aiogram.types import WebAppInfo
from aiogram.utils.keyboard import InlineKeyboardBuilder

def main_menu(domain: str):
    kb = InlineKeyboardBuilder()
    kb.button(text="Main Page", web_app=WebAppInfo(url=domain))
    # ... other buttons
    return kb.as_markup()

This code snippet represents the creation of the main start handler and main menu keyboard.

As seen, the WebAppInfo utility provides an interactive button leading users directly to the specified web app domain. This domain value is fetched from the .env file (FRONTEND_URL variable).

A major feature of the MedSync bot is its ability to easily paginate through bookings or diagnostic test results. This is achieved using the aiogram-dialog framework.

  • Official Documentation: For an in-depth understanding of aiogram-dialog, refer to its official documentation.

  • Usage in MedSync: The aiogram-dialog framework is predominantly used in the ...tgbot/handlers/test_results.py and ...tgbot/handlers/bookings.py files.

4. REST API Service

1. Introduction


The REST API Service forms the backbone of the MedSync WebApp, allowing seamless communication between the frontend, the database, and other components of the application.

WebServer Initialization

Entry Point: ./backend/src/medsyncapp/webhook/app.py


See full code in app.py

  • When the Docker container starts, it runs the Uvicorn command that uses the app.py file as the entry point to initialize the web server.

  • Uvicorn is an ASGI server implementation, ideally suited for frameworks like FastAPI.

2. Organizing the API: Routers and Endpoints


Just as the bot service has routers to handle different bot commands, the REST API service employs routers to manage different HTTP endpoints. This allows the API to be modular, scalable, and organized.

Each router in FastAPI can have a prefix. For instance, if the router is meant to handle doctor-related requests, you might use a prefix like /api/doctors.

Dependencies and Utilities

The ...webhook/utils.py file contains various utility functions and dependencies required by the API routers. This can include:

  • Configuration: Using the same old config.py as in the bot service, the API can access the same environment variables.

  • Database Sessions: Setting up sessions pool and requests repository to interact with the database that will be passed to each endpoint.

  • Validation Functions: Functions that might validate incoming data, like verifying the Telegram initData to ensure that the request is coming through the Telegram bot.

Defining Routes

After setting up the base and utilities, routes (or endpoints) for the API are defined within the routers. Each route corresponds to a particular HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.) and a specific task.

Doctor Route

from fastapi import Depends, APIRouter, HTTPException

from infrastructure.database.repo.requests import RequestsRepo
from infrastructure.webhook.utils import get_repo

doctor_router = APIRouter(prefix="/doctors")

async def get_doctor(doctor_id: int, repo: RequestsRepo = Depends(get_repo)):
    result = await repo.doctors.get_doctor(doctor_id)

    if result is None:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Doctor not found")

    return result
See full code in doctors.py

In this snippet:

  • The route /{doctor_id} is defined under the doctor_router, which has a prefix of /doctors, that is then combined with the api prefix to form the final route: /api/doctors/{doctor_id}.

  • The get_doctor function is an async function that fetches details of a specific doctor using their doctor_id.

  • If the doctor is not found in the database, a 404 HTTP exception is raised.

  • Otherwise, the doctor's details are returned as a JSON response.

Routers Prefixes

from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter

from medsyncapp.webhook import routers

app = FastAPI()
prefix_router = APIRouter(prefix="/api")

for router in [


Here we see the prefix_router being initialized with the /api prefix.

Then, each router is included in the prefix_router using the include_router method.

Finally, the prefix_router is included in the main app.