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Configuration Setup

Before spinning up your instance of the MedSync WebApp & Bot, you need to clone the repository and set up a few configuration files.

1. Preliminary Steps

  1. Clone the Project Repository

    git clone https://github.com/Latand/MedSyncWebApp.git
  2. Navigate into the Project Directory

    cd MedSyncWebApp

2. Obtain a Domain and SSL Certificate

After you have a domain and SSL certificate, note down the domain(s) for the next step.

3. Bot & Database Configuration

  1. Rename the file .env.dist to .env.

    mv .env.dist .env
  2. Open the content in .env: Open with nano/vim:

    nano .env

  3. Inside .env, modify the following:

  4. Update the BOT_TOKEN with your Telegram bot token.

  5. Replace ADMINS with the Telegram IDs you wish to assign admin rights to. The bot will send a message to these users every time it starts.
  6. Configure the PostgreSQL credentials (POSTGRES_USER and POSTGRES_PASSWORD).
  7. Update REDIS_PASSWORD to prevent unauthorized access to the Redis database.
  8. Modify the FRONTEND_URL with your domain (either the Ngrok FRONTEND url or your owned domain url).

4. Frontend Configuration

  1. Navigate to the frontend directory and rename the file .env.dist to .env.

    cd frontend
    mv .env.dist .env
  2. Open the content in .env: Open with nano/vim:

    nano .env
    You should see:

    Replace https://your-domain.com with your BACKEND URL.

What is Backend URL?

  • If you're running live: this have to be your same owned purchased domain. The nginx will proxy the requests to the backend using the same domain.
  • If you're using Ngrok, you need to set the VITE_REACT_APP_API_URL=http://localhost:3779, but the app will work only on your local machine.

You're good to go!

You have successfully configured the project. Proceed to the next step to initialize the dependencies.